Saturday, July 11, 2015

All About Me

The first post, how intimidating! I guess I will just tell you a little about myself, I enjoy trying out beauty products. I love Netflix (but who doesn't) and whenever I watch Netflix I love crocheting. I always start projects and rarely finish them in one go, but rather work on a project till I get bored, move onto something else and come back to the first project later. It took me almost a year to crochet one blanket but I did finish it.

 Last of all I love reading anything and everything my absolute favorite series is the Eve trilogy.

Right now my favorite TV show is Orange is the New Black, but I'm currently watching through NCIS. 

At the beginning of the summer I started crocheting a new blanket and I've got it about a fifth of the way done.

I'm loving this new mascara I got, surprisingly, because it was a relatively cheap brand. This mascara is Wet n Wild  Mega Protein. I love the way it applies.

This blog will be about everything and anything that I'm interested in and hopefully you will be too. I will do reviews on beauty products like this beautiful mascara on the left. I will talk about my favorite shows on Netflix and things that I didn't like so much. I will do tutorials for things like crocheting and other DIYs. I will put up recipes and also rave about recipes that I love. Really I will write about anything that comes to mind. 

Well now that we got through that horribly awkward first post I hope that we can get to the fun stuff and be friends from here on out.

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