Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 2 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge: My Dream Pet

Over the past few years, I have grown a little pet sitting business. I take care of people's cats, dogs, bunnies, fish, turtles, and even chickens once or twice. I've learned that I don't really want a pet right now, I don't want to have to come home every day and take care of something. With my crazy life, I think the only thing I could take care of all the time is a fish. I had a two fish my freshmen year of college, they both died, sadly, but not unexpected.

But this is not about what I can do realistically, this is supposed to be My Dream Pet. My dream pet is, believe it or not, a goat, I've wanted a goat for years now, I think they are the cutest things ever!

Specifically, I want a pygmy goat. These pictures are not necessarily pygmy goats, just random ones I found on  Pixabay. I want a pygmy because they are small, and they stay small forever. You can treat it like a dog. I would want mine to be a house trained goat. Or if I marry a farmer or something then it can be out with all of our other animals.

I'm not sure when I became obsessed with goats, I think it was sometime in tenth grade. Ever since I have dreamed of getting my own goat.

Alright Ma' Friends, Have a Peculiarly Wonderful Day, Leave a Comment Down Below, and Be Sure to Check Back Often For More Interesting Posts.

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