Monday, March 27, 2017

30 Day Blog Challenge

This is my take on the 30 day blog challenge, I want to start it on April 1st. I've really been wanting to post daily, and I think this is a great way to get in the habit, and also for you guys to get to know me better! I grabbed these ideas from the google image search of "30 Day Blog Challenge", most of them were very similar so I just picked the ones I liked. I might not do these in order just in case you were wondering.

1. Where I see myself in ten years
2. Ten likes and dislikes
3. My day in great detail
4. My views on religion
5. Dream job
6. Places I'd like to visit
7. If I had a million dollars how would I spend it?
8. My views on drugs and alcohol
9. Do I want to be Famous?
10. Hobbies and Interests?
11. Five ways to win my heart
12. Something I feel strongly about
13. My favorite book
14. What I ate today
15. How important I think education is
16. Something you always think what if about
17. Five Items I WANT
18. My fears
19. My academics
20. Something that I miss
21. Five words or phrases that make me laugh
22. Something I'm currently worrying about
23. A quote I try and live by
24. Someplace I'd love to live
25. Favorite TV Show
26. Favorite Movie
27. What do I collect.
28. An animal I want as a pet
29. What kind of person attracts me?
30. My goal for the next thirty days

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