Friday, April 15, 2016

The DIY Bug #4: Crochet Chevron Scrap Blanket Update

Click Here for Pattern and first post
A couple weeks ago I posted a pattern for the blanket I'm currently working on as you can see there really isn't any pattern to the color placement, but if you know anything about me you know there has to be some organization, even if it is a stretch. I have been crocheting like a mad woman the last couple weeks and this is how far I've gotten:

This picture shows the whole blanket so far, it is almost up to my waste and it is growing daily! I decided on a pattern for this blanket it is goint to be 2 blue colored variegated rows and then two of more pink and purple rows (obviously with the solid rows in between) since this started as a scrap blanket I had to switch up some of the colors and that is why I had a hard time coming up with a pattern for the colors. So far I actually like how it is turning out and I am excited to see how it will look when it is finished. Even though I know it is going to be a while till it is done! Knowing me I will get bored and work on a different project and then maybe come back to this one.

Here is another picture of the blanket, but only of the recent couple rows:

Alright Dearies I Hope You All Have a Wonderful Day!!

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions just let me know in the comments below. :)

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