Friday, January 29, 2016

TJ Maxx Haul

After being at school for a few months I have probably walked outside more than I have in the past couple years. To get to most of my classes I have to walk at least a half a mile and sometimes I take that walk to or three times in one day. It was kind of annoying the first semester when it was hot and gross outside. But living in Michigan the hot and gross weather is only temporary, it is then replaced with a terrible bone chilling cold.

It was never a problem in the past because everywhere I went I drove in a warm car and parked up close. In high school I didn't even have a real coat. I just wore sweat shirts all the time and walked quickly when I was outside. Since I have been at college I have bought  a new coat and boots. I didn't even think about scarves and hats until the first below zero day! My ears were so cold I thought they were gonna fall off. My face hurt it was so cold, it felt like it was sun burnt it was so stiff.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Changing My Life Direction

As a Freshmen in college I have had a lot of new in my life. I have moved away from home, I have had to learn to live in a small space with another person and how to be a good roommate. I have failed an exam, I have met tons of new people and made a few new friends that I feel will be life long friends. I have had to learn to walk everywhere. I have had to learn to be a self-motivator and actually get my self out of bed in the morning. I have had to learn how to save my money and not spend my money even when I really want something. I have learned to be honest with myself and where I want my life to go.

Monday, January 11, 2016

OPI's Tickle My France-y Review (kind of?)

Okay so I had a job interview today and I wanted to paint my nails so they weren't all lonely and sad looking and I couldn't decide what color to do. I wanted to do a nude, but nude is too boring, so I noodled a bit longer and looked through my collection. I saw this OPI color I had that I just got a couple weeks ago right after Christmas. I just happened to be at TJ Maxx (my absolute favorite place to buy nail polish at a really cheap price!!) and I happened across a 10 pack of mini OPI nail polishes for like $16 dollars.

Galaxy Nails/Sideways Gradient

The other day while walking through Walmart I saw this awesome nail polish. It looked so interesting I had to pick it up and look at it, it is Pure ICE in shade What's the Splatter. It is a clear top coat with black and white confetti type things. They are in different sizes from so small you can barely see on this picture to the rather large white ones you can definitely see. I was so excited to see what this would look like on but I didn't want to just do a plain one color manicure so I had to come up with a different idea.
What's the Splatter

I Went To College!!

So I know it has been a long while since I last posted, but I went off to college and that was a ridiculously time consuming task. :) Although I have been completely absent from writing this blog, I have been delving deeper and deeper into a major nail polish addiction!!!

Over the past couple months I have moved from cheap nail polish to more expensive nail polish. It has become quite an obsession for me. For a while, I couldn't go into the store without buying a nail polish. I was painting my nails 2 or 3 times a week. I think it was because I was bored, I didn't have much homework and I didn't have a job. I had a lot of free time on my hands and began painting my nails and getting more and more creative.