Thursday, March 31, 2016

The DIY Bug #2: Crochet Chevron Scrap Blanket

Ever since I got back into doing crafty things, I haven't been able to put down a blanket that I started in August before I came to college. I think I started this blanket in August, although it might have been earlier that summer.

The reason this is a scrap blanket is because I start lots of projects and never finish them so I end up with a lot of half skeins of yarn. Also, last May my great aunt passed away and she was an avid knitter so when we were cleaning out her house I picked yarn out that I liked. She had so many different kinds of half used skeins just like me so I decided to make a blanket with it.

I was going to try to do a pattern but as I have progressed in the blanket I have realized that I don't have enough of every color to get me through the entire blanket. This picture is from last week or so and I have gotten much farther since then. If you can't tell there is some kind of organization, I did five rows of variegated yarn then 3 rows of a solid color. So far I love the way it looks but I have made some major mistakes. Usually when I make a mistake I just pull it out from where I made the mistake but in this case the mistake was too far behind and I had already switched colors and it was too much work to turn back.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly Nail Obsession #4: OPI Turquoise Aesthetic

For the past couple weeks I have been searching all the TJ Maxx and Marshall's around my school for the OPI Color Paints. I have been looking for a full sizes of the Color Paints. I have had no such luck and I have looked through so many nail polishes!! My search came up empty and I gave up, figures as soon as I give up hope, I find the mother of all polishes!

I found this 6 pack of minis for 8 dollars!!!!!!!! That is literally such a good deal, I couldn't even believe it when I saw it. I had given up at this particular TJ Maxx, it has one of the worst nail polish options I have ever seen. As I was digging through the makeup palletes I saw this beautiful pack of minis buried at the back of the shelf! I almost screamed I was so excited, I kept it inside my head (which nearly exploded from my excitement)! AHH I'm still excited and I've had it for a few days already!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The DIY Bug #1-DIY Gray Painted Soda Bottle and Peacock Themed Painted Ikea Pot

I just came up with another idea for a series title "The DIY Bug," only because after I did both of these projects I had to explain to my roommate that the only reason was because I have been taken over by the DIY Bug. Now I have TWO series on my blog! My first series is a weekly series called "Weekly Nail Obsession."
The most recent Weekly Nail Obsession
 While Weekly Nail Obsession is a weekly series, this one will probably only be every couple weeks.

The other day I was so overtaken by the DIY Bug that I skipped class and had to go to Michael's and buy some craft supplies. If I were at home I probably could have just scrounged some supplies up from around the house. Here at school though I have limited space for extra stuff. So as I was driving to the craft store I was trying to come up with ideas of what to do, the first thing I decided I was going to do was to paint my crusty looking terracotta Ikea pot. I hadn't devised a plan yet, but I knew I was going to do something. As I walked into the Michaels, I was greeted by a large selection of flowers and vases. I didn't know what practical thing I could do for my dorm room with these items, but I knew I wanted to incorporate them somehow! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Weekly Nail Obsession Easter Edition: Easter Bunny and Baby Chick Nails

Oh My Goodness, I can't believe it's Easter already! I am ready to get outta my dorm and go home for the weekend. It has been about a month since I have been home and that is just too darn long! I am absolutely obsessed with these nails. I got the idea from Polished on youtube (Click Here for the video), it is almost exactly the same thing, but I changed up the colors.

I started off with a base coat of white on all of my fingers, even though I covered up my middle and ring fingers with other colors. I used Wet 'n' Wild's French White Creme, but it was a bit streaky so I went over my pinky, index finger, and thumb, with OPI Alpine Snow. After that, I painted my ring finger with OPI Rich Girls and Po' Boys and my middle finger with Finger Paints Frosty Lemonade (the reason I did a white base coat is because this polish is neon and looks gross without one). I painted Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat over all of my nails.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sally Beauty Supply Nail Polish HAUL!!!!!!!!

A couple weeks ago there was a really good sale at Sally Beauty Supply, they had Finger Paints for buy one get one free. I hadn't ever used Finger Paints before, but as I was looking they had a lot of colors I wanted in my collection. Not only were the polishes I bought B1G1 they were also on clearance so I got an even better deal!

The weekend I bought most of the Finger Paints, I was on my way home from college. I bought 6 polishes, I can't remember exactly which ones, but I was so excited, it was a great start to the weekend.

After I got home, I hung out with my family for a bit and then my sister and I hit the town, haha aka we went to Sally's and Family Video. My sister egged me on and I ended up buying 10 more Finger Paints polishes! This was literally the most polish I have ever bought at once.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly Nail Obsession #3: OPI's Embrace the Gray, Product Review

Fifty Shades of Grey+other OPI polish
As I was scouring the internet for a 1 inch wet to dry straightener the other day, for my mom's birthday! Do you know how hard it is to find that? Almost impossible!! They don't make them anymore so we I had to find a new one on, I found one but it was not easy. Okay back on track, after I purchased the straightener I started looking for nail polish, I bought OPI's Rich Girls and Po' Boys, but then I found this Fifty Shades of Grey six pack of OPI minis. I could not pass it up, it was less than ten dollars and my absolute favorite color right now is gray!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Weekly Nail Obsession #2: OPI's Rich Girls and Po-Boys, Product Review

OMGGG!!! I have been obsessed with this nail polish!! I have watched so many swatching videos on Youtube with the OPI New Orleans collection. Since I have bought so much nail polish recently I decided not to buy it. I could NOT stop thinking about it, though.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Shamrock Nails: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
I have been buying up nail polish like crazy, there has been a lot of green in these hauls I have done. I have been loving the green nail polish but I feel like it is kind of a weird color to wear by itself. But then I remembered Saint Patrick's Day is on March 17! It gives me the perfect excuse to try out all of my new green polishes!!

First, I started off with a base of "That's Hula-rious" by OPI on all of my nails. Then I decided I wanted my thumb to be a darker green so I used OPI's new color from the New Orleans collection "I'm Soo Swamped." I got I'm Soo Swamped in a mini set of 4 from Ulta, from OPI's New Orleans Collection. I was kind of worried I was going to hate it because it's green, but then I actually loved it! It was very surprising because green is one of my least favorite colors. The light green needed a couple of coats so I went ahead and did that and also added a coat of Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Weekly Nail Obsession #1: China Glaze "I Soiree I Didn't Do It" Product Review

I Soiree I Didn't Do It
My favorite nail polish this week is I Soiree I Didn't Do It by China Glaze. I have used it a couple different times in the last couple weeks. It is a blueish-teal glitter polish with multiple different types of micro glitter, a mixture of green and blue glitters. The glittler is suspended in a teal jelly.

I love this polish. The glitter is very dense and because it is in a colored base it helps cover where there are glitter bald spots, I didn't expect it to be as dense as it is. I got this glitter from Sally's Beauty Supply a couple weeks ago while they had their seasonal sale going, I think I'm going to do a haul of that trip, I went back a couple times and cleared them out. (Click Here for the Haul post)